Roasted Vada Pav

The staple food of Bombay and more importantly the whole state of Maharashtra. In similar context, it’s like hotdogs for New Yorkers and chips for the Britishers. If you have lived in Bombay, then I’m sure you have a vada pav. The main purpose of this website is so that everything can be cooked JainRead more

Ragda Pattice Shot

On a rainy day or a visit to beach, Mumbaikars love this chaat dish called Ragda Pattice. This is my version of Ragda Pattice with a twist. It’s a good starter dish to wow the guests with, without any alcohol or most importantly jain. Read on to view the recipe. Print Recipe Ragda Pattice ShotRead more

Paneer Roll

The delicious paneer roll is so famous in Bombay that it can be found at 3 in the morning. It’s tongue tickling. It’s spicy. It’s chatpatta. It’s cubes of paneer sauteed and then covered by a roti that has a couple of pastes on it. It’s simple to make and at the same time itRead more